Chevalier Vintage prsluk
220,98 € s PDV
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Chevalier Vintage prsluk
Prsluk Chevalier Vintage
Novi proizvod koji je već vrlo popularan. Klasično prošiveni prsluk koji ima Vintageov tehnički površinski tretman koji stvara površinu poput kože. Veliki džep za igru na leđima. Duboki, prostrani prednji džepovi za patrone i ojačane naramenice od tehničkog materijala nalik antilopuVeličine:
M: 4339BM
L: 4339BL
XL: 4339BXL
Prsluk Chevalier Vintage
A new product that is already very popular. A classically quilted waistcoat that has Vintage’s technical surface treatment which creates a leather-like surface. Large game pocket on back. Deep, spacious front pockets for cartridges and reinforced shoulder panels in a suede-like technical materialVeličine:
M: 4339BM
L: 4339BL
XL: 4339BXL
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